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This carefully crafted ebook: “Walden + Civil Disobedience + Slavery in Massachusetts” contains 3 books in one volume and is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents.

Walden is a book written by Henry David Thoreau. The work is part personal declaration of independence, social experiment, voyage of spiritual discovery, satire, and manual for self-reliance. First published in 1854, it details Thoreau's experiences over the course of two years, two months, and two days in a cabin he built near Walden Pond, amidst woodland near Concord, Massachusetts. The book compresses the time into a single calendar year and uses passages of four seasons to symbolize human development.

Civil Disobedience (Resistance to Civil Government) is an essay that was first published in 1849. In it, Thoreau argues that individuals should not permit governments to overrule or atrophy their consciences, and that they have a duty to avoid allowing such acquiescence to enable the government to make them the agents of injustice. Thoreau was motivated in part by his disgust with slavery and the Mexican–American War.

Slavery in Massachusetts" is an 1854 essay based on a speech he gave at an anti-slavery rally at Framingham, Massachusetts, on July 4, 1854, after the re-enslavement in Boston, Massachusetts of fugitive slave Anthony Burns.

Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862) was an American author, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, historian and leading transcendentalist. He is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay Resistance to Civil Government (also known as Civil Disobedience), an argument for disobedience to an unjust state.


  • L'écrivain et philosophe Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) est non seulement un auteur classique de la littérature américaine, un théoricien politique, reconnu notamment pour une doctrine de la désobéissance civile (auquel il consacre un essai en 1849) et de la non-violence ; il est également l'auteur d'une conception naturaliste du monde inspiratrice de courants modernes de l'écologie. Son Journal fait l'objet d'une édition et traduction française intégrale dont le premier volume a paru aux éditions Finitude. Parmi ses récits de voyage, on peut citer Les Forêts du Maine.

Auteur(s) : Henry David Thoreau


Editeur : e-artnow

Auteur(s) : Henry David Thoreau

Publication : 15 novembre 2013

Edition : 1ère édition

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub + Mobi/Kindle + WEB]

Contenu(s) : ePub, Mobi/Kindle, WEB

Protection(s) : Aucune (ePub), Aucune (Mobi/Kindle), DRM (WEB)

Taille(s) : 595 ko (ePub), 1,84 Mo (Mobi/Kindle), 1 octet (WEB)

Langue(s) : Anglais

Code(s) CLIL : 3660, 3283

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub + Mobi/Kindle + WEB] : 9788074849800

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