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LA ROSE DE MONTEVERDI est la chronique passionnée d’une passion inhibée – celle entre Ariadna et Levon – qui enregistre l’échec d’une union et dans l’épilogue douloureux, le renoncement de Levon à vivre, par profondeur excessive et extrême délicatesse. Levon révèle le désir d’une vie qu’il est incapable de vivre, dans la scission entre le sentiment et la réalité, dans la nostalgie d’une totalité inaccessible. Ariadna résume tout un destin et une saison historique, celle de l’Allemagne du XXe siècle, qui culmine avec la chute du mur de Berlin en1989. Ariadna, réservée et absorbée, amoureuse de sa viole, poursuit sa musique, suivant les traces impérieuses de sa vocation et de son talent, guidée par sa passion inextinguible pour Monteverdi.

LA ROSE DE MONTEVERDI est un livre sur la jeunesse et la maturation d’Ariadna et de Levon, qui vivent une impossible identification amoureuse, tandis qu’IL LAMENTO DI ARIANNA se répète infiniment, dans son ineffable profondeur. Deux présences brillent, l’hommage ému à Monteverdi et à Venise, dans sa languissante évanescence et son histoire immortelle.


  • Gabriella Bianco (auteur)

    Gabriella Bianco graduated from the University of Trieste in 1972 specializingin Languages and Comparative Literatures and in 1974 in Philosophy, Educationand Psychology from the University of Urbino (Italy), with a thesis on creativity.She completed her post-graduate work in Philosophy, History and Education at theUniversity of Toronto, with a thesis on Antonio Gramsci and after being awardeda Fulbright Scholarship, she did her doctorate in the United States in PoliticalPhilosophy. She also holds a doctoral degree in Italian Studies from the Universityof Urbino (1983).In her University career, she has taught at several Universities, such as Urbino(Italy), Windsor (Canada), New Paltz (USA), Tasmania (Australia) and Nairobi(Kenya). Since 1980 she has worked in the cultural sector of the Italian Ministryof Foreign Affairs as cultural attachee in different countries (Australia, Argentina,Canada). She has been Director of Development and International Relationsat the University E.Morin (Argentina-Mexico) and is now lecturing in Ethics,Political Philosophy and Human Rights at the MA in Human Rights at the Univ.of MdP (Argentina).Her wide ranging books and essays on literature, culture, politics and educationinclude: Educazione e politica (Milan, 1975), Utopia e realta': alla ricercadella verginita' perduta (Rome, 1984), El extranamiento del ser (Buenos Aires,1990), Cesare Pavese y Franz Kafka: sendas de exilio (Buenos Aires, 1991),La hermeneutica del devenir (Buenos Aires, 1993), El campo de la etica(Buenos Aires, 1997), Epistemologia del dialogo. Pensamiento del exodo(Buenos Aires, 2002), Wolfgang & Magdalena (Roma, 2002), La amante deMozart, Buenos Aires, 2006) and The Impatience of the Absolute, presentedat the International Book Fair in April 2007 (Buenos Aires, 2007), which includesthe screenplay SAVE VENICE. »her most recent books are:Implacable Absences (2009) and Infinite Moons, Infinite Suns (2010). She is alsoteaching Screenwriting at the Film School in MdP (Argentina), after attending theVfS in Vancouver (2000).She has written stage plays and works for musical theatre and operas, stagedin several parts of the world, which have been published under the title El caminode la palabra (Buenos Aires, 1995). She has also written for cinema twoscreenplays, which have been awarded several prizes in Hollywood , such asMozart & Magdalena (Hollywood, 2004) and Save Venice ( Hollywwod,2004,International Mexico Film Festival 2009) She is Academic of Italy and HonoraryMember of the European Union of Writers and Artists.She has been an international development consultant in education, electoral andand human rights expert since 1998 and carries out an intense international careerboth in the social and in the philosophical and artistic fields. She has been appointedInternational Peace Ambassador in 2009 and she had done two missions, in Guatemala(2009) and Chile (2010).

Auteur(s) : Gabriella Bianco


Editeur : Société des écrivains

Auteur(s) : Gabriella Bianco

Publication : 27 octobre 2021

Edition : 1ère édition

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [PDF + Mobi/Kindle + WEB + ePub]

Contenu(s) : PDF, Mobi/Kindle, WEB, ePub

Protection(s) : Marquage social (PDF), Marquage social (Mobi/Kindle), DRM (WEB), Marquage social (ePub)

Taille(s) : 1,28 Mo (PDF), 1,99 Mo (Mobi/Kindle), 1 octet (WEB), 713 ko (ePub)

Langue(s) : Français

Code(s) CLIL : 3459

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [PDF + Mobi/Kindle + WEB + ePub] : 9782342355352

EAN13 (papier) : 9782342355345

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