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"The Big Book of Christmas: Classic Stories and Poems - Illustrated" is a grand compilation that assembles a treasure trove of holiday tales and poems from a remarkable array of authors. This extensive collection includes 100 classic works, each thoughtfully illustrated, to immerse readers in the magic and wonder of the Christmas season.This anthology spans a rich tapestry of Christmas literature, including timeless favorites such as "The Gift of the Magi," "The Red Room," "A Letter from Santa Claus," "The Fir Tree," "Song of the Holly," and many more. These stories and poems capture the spirit of Christmas through diverse voices, styles, and settings, offering readers a diverse and enriching experience.Contents:Charles DickensA Christmas CarolThe ChimesG.K. ChestertonA Christmas CarolL.M. MontgomeryThe Red RoomA Christmas MistakeA Christmas InspirationThe Josephs’ ChristmasAunt Cyrilla’s Christmas BasketThe Osbornes’ ChristmasBertie’s New YearIda’s New Year CakeThe Christmas Surprise at Enderly RoadClorinda’s GiftsThe Falsoms’ Christmas DinnerThe Unforgotten OneChristmas at Red ButteUncle Richard’s New Year’s DinnerL. Frank BaumA Kidnapped Santa ClausLittle Bun RabbitThe Life and Adventures of Santa ClausMark TwainA Letter from Santa ClausLouisa May AlcottA Country ChristmasCousin Tribulation's StoryWhat the Bell Saw and SaidTilly's ChristmasTessa's SurprisesKate's ChoiceThe Boys' Joke, And Who Got The Best Of ItThe Quiet Little WomanRosa's TaleA Christmas Dream and How It Came TrueA Christmas Turkey, And How It CameA Merry ChristmasLeo TolstoyA Russian Christmas PartyHenry Wadsworth LongfellowChristmas BellsThe Three KingsNikolai GogolChristmas EveWilliam Dean HowellsChristmas EverydayThe Pony Engine and the Pacific ExpressJoseph Rudyard KiplingChristmas in IndiaElizabeth HarrisonLittle Gretchen and the Wooden ShoeJohn MiltonOn the Morning of Christ's NativityHans Christian AndersenThe Fir TreeThe Little Match GirlSelma LagerlofA Christmas GuestThe Holy NightThe Legend of the Christmas RoseClement MooreThe Night Before ChristmasHenry van DykeThe Other Wise ManBeatrix PotterThe Tailor of GloucesterAnton ChehovVankaO. HenryThe Gift of the MagiChristmas by InjunctionWhistling Dick’s Christmas StockingA Chaparral Christmas GiftAn Unfinished Christmas StoryHesba StrettonThe Christmas ChildKenneth GrahameThe Wind in the WillowsRobert Louis StevensonChristmas at SeaMarkheimWinter TimeWalter ScottChristmas In The Olden TimeAlfred TennysonRing out, wild bellsAbbie Farwell BrownThe Christmas AngelAnthony TrollopeChristmas at Thompson HallThomas HardyThe OxenWilliam Butler YeatsThe MagiWilliam Makepeace ThackerayThe Mahogany TreeCharles KingsleyChristmas DayEugene FieldJest 'Fore ChristmasEmily DickinsonThe Savior must have been a docile GentlemanWilla CatherThe Burglar’s ChristmasArthur Conan DoyleThe Adventure of the Blue CarbuncleFyodor DostoyevskyA Christmas Tree and a WeddingJohann Wolfgang von GoetheThe Christmas-BoxWashington IrvingChristmasThe Stage-CoachChristmas EveChristmas DayThe Christmas DinnerGeorge MacDonaldChristmas Day and EverydayThe Christmas ChildChristmas MeditationA Christmas PrayerA Christmas CarolMy Uncle PeterMary’s LullabyChristmas-DayThe Gifts of the Child ChristThat Holy ThingChristmasChristmas Song of the Old ChildrenKing ColeA Song for ChristmasJames JoyceThe DeadSakiBertie’s Christmas EveWilliam ShakespeareSong of the HollyThe Gracious TimeHarriet Beecher StoweChristmas; or, The Good FairyThe First Christmas of New EnglandBetty’s Bright IdeaChristmas in PoganucOscar WildeThe Selfish Giant


  • Charles Dickens (auteur)

    Charles Dickens was an English novelist and social critic known for creating iconic fictional characters. He is considered one of the greatest Victorian-era novelists. His works, such as "A Christmas Carol," "Oliver Twist," and "Great Expectations," are frequently adapted and evoke images of early Victorian London. Dickens drew inspiration from his own experiences, including his father's imprisonment for debt. He began his career as a journalist and writer in his early twenties, and his unique style and humor quickly gained him fame. Dickens was also known for his philanthropy and advocacy for social issues. He made a trip to the United States and Canada in 1842 and expressed his condemnation of slavery. Dickens's novels often depicted the struggles of the poor and disadvantaged, challenging societal norms and advocating for change. Despite some criticism of his sentimentality, Dickens's popularity remained strong, and he is regarded as one of the greatest British novelists. He left a lasting legacy, with museums and festivals dedicated to his life and works.

  • Mark Twain (auteur)

    Mark Twain, de son vrai nom Samuel Clemens, est né en 1835 dans le Missouri et mort en 1910 dans le Connecticut. Il est l’un des premiers auteurs américains à utiliser ses origines sudistes pour créer ses personnages et situations romanesques. Lorsque la guerre de Sécession éclate, il fuit dans les montagnes du Nevada et devient chercheur d’or, cette expérience donnera lieu à des romans discrets (À la dure, en 1872). C’est avec la publication en 1876 de Tom Sawyer puis en 1885 d’Huckleberry Finn, que Mark Twain devient connu du grand public. La reconnaissance littéraire ne viendra que plus tard, avec les commentaires d’Hemingway et de Faulkner, qui voient en Mark Twain le père fondateur du roman américain.
  • Poète américain né en 1807 à Portland dans le Maine, mort à Cambridge, Massachussets, en 1882. Son oeuvre abondante participe à la naissance d'une nouvelle aventure littéraire nourrie de romantisme et d'histoire. Longfellow a traduit en anglais La Divine comédie de Dante. Évangéline, son grand poème épique puisant dans l'histoire acadienne, paraît en 1847. L'auteur y exalte l'Amérique et les valeurs humaines universelles. Entre le terroir et l'errance, cette oeuvre de Longfellow jette les bases d'une quête essentielle, celle d'une Amérique à la recherche de son identité.
  • Nicolas Gogol (auteur)

    Nicolas Gogol (1809-1852) est un des écrivains les plus importants de la littérature russe. Il est l’auteur de nouvelles célèbres dans le monde entier, comme LesSoirées du hameau, de pièces de théâtre, notamment Le Révizor. Son roman Les Âmes mortes est un chef d’œuvre universel.

  • Selma Lagerlöf (auteur)

    Romancière suédoise, Selma Lagerlöf est née le 20 novembre 1858 à Märbacka, dans le Värmland (Suède). Elle exerce comme institutrice, puis rencontre en 1894 une écrivaine, Sophie Elkan, dont elle tombe amoureuse, et décide de se consacrer désormais entièrement à la littérature. Elle publie tout d'abord "La Saga de Gösta Berling" puis de nombreux romans et nouvelles, dont le très populaire "Merveilleux voyage de Nils Holgersson à travers la Suède". Elle est la première femme à recevoir le prix Nobel de littérature en 1909. Elle est morte le 16 mars 1940.

Auteur(s) : Charles Dickens, G.K. Chesterton, L.M. Montgomery, Lyman Frank Baum, Mark Twain, Louisa May Alcott, Leo Tolstoy, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Nicolas Gogol, William Dean Howells, Joseph Rudyard Kipling, Elizabeth Harrison, John Milton, Hans Christian Andersen, Selma Lagerlöf, Clement Moore, Henry van Dyke, Beatrix Potter, Anton Chekhov


Editeur : Andrii Ponomarenko

Auteur(s) : Charles Dickens, G.K. Chesterton, L.M. Montgomery, Lyman Frank Baum, Mark Twain, Louisa May Alcott, Leo Tolstoy, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Nicolas Gogol, William Dean Howells, Joseph Rudyard Kipling, Elizabeth Harrison, John Milton, Hans Christian Andersen, Selma Lagerlöf, Clement Moore, Henry van Dyke, Beatrix Potter, Anton Chekhov

Publication : 30 octobre 2023

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : ePub

Protection(s) : Aucune (ePub)

Taille(s) : 3,67 Mo (ePub)

Langue(s) : Anglais

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9786178366384

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