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Who could have guessed that Lucius Altreis, in his personal vendetta against the pope, would enlist neo-Nazis searching for $3 billion of Heinrich Himmler's gold submerged in an Austrian lake ? Who could have imagined his crusade would lead him to kidnap top airline executives gathered in Cannes, France ? Is hostility between two of these world-leading execs on the verge of sparking catastrophe ?
Altreis capitalizes on the rivalries and decadence of airline leaders to level an unprecedented threat against the Holy City.
As an air transportation insider, author Jean-Louis Baroux pulls back the curtain on industry policy-making and internal debate. He vividly depicts the agonizing terror of major airline CEOs trapped on a plane headed straight for the dome of Saint Peter's.
From the ruins of Berlin to Vatican treasures, with stops in Patagonia and Cannes' luxury hotels, this unrelenting thriller is a high-stakes game dealing in power and money.


  • Jean-Louis Baroux est le fondateurd'APG, premier réseau mondial de représentations de compagnies aériennes, présent dans cent cinquante pays. On lui doit plusieurs essais sur le transport aérien, dont Transport aérien. Ces vérités que l'on vous cache (L'Archipel, 2017) et un roman, Peur sur le Vatican (L'Archipel, 2014).
  • John Marston (Traduit par)

    John Marston est un journaliste indépendant qui exerce entre l’Alberta, la Saskatchewan et le Manitoba. Passionné par son coin de pays, il tente de faire découvrir les endroits méconnus des Prairies canadiennes.

Auteur(s) : Jean-Louis Baroux


Editeur : L'Archipel

Auteur(s) : Jean-Louis Baroux

Publication : 29 octobre 2014

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : ePub

Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)

Taille(s) : 588 ko (ePub)

Langue(s) : Anglais

Code(s) CLIL : 3453

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9782809816327

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