Miles Standish and Priscilla Mullins immigrate to America, where they meet a scholar and poet named John Alden. The two men become good friends, but they also both fall in love with Priscilla and a love triangle develops between the three of them. Miles Standish is a soldier, athletic and muscular, whilst John Alden is his complete opposite. Alden struggles, wondering whether he should listen to his heart and chose love over friendship. On the other hand, Standish has lost his wife and looks forward to proposing to Priscilla Mullins.Why did Miles and Priscilla immigrate to America? Did they know each other in advance? What will the two men do to win Priscilla’s heart? Who will succeed? Will they sacrifice their friendship for love? Find all the answers in Henry Wadsworth’s historical poem "The Courtship of Miles Standish" from 1858.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807 - 1882) was an American poet. He studied at the Bowdoin College and thereafter became a professor at Harvard. Wadsworth was a popular figure in his day and the first American to translate Dante Alighieri’s masterpiece the "Divine Comedy". Some of his major works include "Evangeline" (1847), "Paul Revere's Ride" (1860) and "The Song of Hiawatha" (1855).
Poète américain né en 1807 à Portland dans le Maine, mort à Cambridge, Massachussets, en 1882. Son oeuvre abondante participe à la naissance d'une nouvelle aventure littéraire nourrie de romantisme et d'histoire. Longfellow a traduit en anglais La Divine comédie de Dante. Évangéline, son grand poème épique puisant dans l'histoire acadienne, paraît en 1847. L'auteur y exalte l'Amérique et les valeurs humaines universelles. Entre le terroir et l'errance, cette oeuvre de Longfellow jette les bases d'une quête essentielle, celle d'une Amérique à la recherche de son identité.
Auteur(s) : Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Editeur : Saga Egmont International
Auteur(s) : Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Publication : 17 février 2021
Support(s) : Livre audio [MP3]
Protection(s) : Aucune (MP3)
Taille(s) : 63,1 Mo (MP3)
EAN13 Livre audio [MP3] : 9788726574401