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"To be a vegetarian when you can eat meat is to deny the animal in you." "To slaughter an animal, you have to love animals"! "When living beings start to eat stones, the problem [of meat] will no longer be an issue." These are some quotes from philosophers and intellectuals that defy logic and encourage cruelty. Instead of recognizing that we should not cause suffering and kill sentient beings just for our pleasure, these intellectuals justify the consumption of animal products. They support a society that slaughters millions of animals daily because it does not want to change its eating habits. This book enumerates and denounces all the arguments developed by carnivores so that this great massacre can stop and a constructive debate on the place of animals in society can finally begin.Through books, articles and television appearances, experts and journalists criticize, denounce and mock the defenders of animals. This is not without consequences. Nowadays, few people remain insensitive to the fate of livestock. When a film is shot inside a slaughterhouse and broadcast in the media, most people are shocked. Then, confronted with the arguments of vegans and vegetarians, they look for answers. What to think? What to do? What to eat? And then these intellectuals come along and tell them that vegans and vegetarians are wrong. Each time, the basic ethical principle that we should not cause suffering and kill a sentient being just for our own pleasure is forgotten or misinterpreted. Instead, these intellectuals advance arguments that defy logic, have no rational basis, and encourage cruelty. But in so doing, they reinforce a society that unnecessarily kills a staggering number of animals because it does not want to change its eating habits. This book takes the position of denouncing them loud and clear; not for the pleasure of criticizing, but in the hope that this clarification will contribute to stopping the great massacre of livestock and serve to launch a constructive debate on their place in society.


  • Thomas Lepeltier (Lu par)

    Thomas Lepeltier is a historian and philosopher of science. He is the author of several books on this theme, including Darwin hérétique (2007, Seuil), Univers parallèles (2010, Seuil), La Face cachée de l'univers (2014, Seuil). In 2013, he also published a book on animal ethics, La Révolution végétarienne (Éditions Sciences Humaines).

Auteur(s) : Alan Cook


Editeur : Max Milo Editions

Auteur(s) : Alan Cook

Publication : 17 avril 2024

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre audio [MP3]

Contenu(s) : MP3

Protection(s) : Aucune (MP3)

Taille(s) : 248 Mo (MP3)

Langue(s) : Anglais

Code(s) CLIL : 3082, 3646

EAN13 Livre audio [MP3] : 9782315019076

EAN13 (papier) : 9782315011421

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