Why did Ukraine lose the war against Russia? How do the two sides think and conduct their operations? What mistakes were made on both sides? How did the West contribute to Ukraine's defeat? To answer these questions and many others, Jacques Baud draws on official information, American, Western and Russian documents that analyse Russian (and Soviet) strategies and tactics over the last 50 years. He explains how Russia understands and conducts war, and shows how our ignorance of this reality has pushed Ukraine towards defeat. This audiobook is read by a synthesized voice.Jacques Baud was a member of Swiss strategic intelligence, a specialist in Eastern Europe and former head of doctrine for UN peacekeeping operations. During the Cold War, he worked on Soviet military art and the war in Afghanistan. Within NATO, he was involved in programs in Ukraine, notably after the 2014 Maïdan revolution. In addition to his major works on the conflict in Ukraine, he is the author of several books on intelligence, war and terrorism, including Governing by Fake News, Defeating Jihadist Terrorism and The Navalny Case, all published by Max Milo.
Jacques Baud est Colonel chef d’état-major, ex-agent des services secrets suisses et expert en armes chimiques et nucléaires. Il a été, entre autres, chef de la doctrine des opérations de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies à New York. Il est l’auteur de plusieurs livres sur le renseignement, la guerre et le terrorisme, dont les “best-sellers” Gouverner par les fake news, Poutine, le maître du jeu ?, Opération Z, Ukraine entre guerre et paix et L’art de la guerre russe, édités aux éditions Max Milo.
Editeur : Max Milo Editions
Publication : 17 janvier 2024
Support(s) : Livre audio [MP3]
Protection(s) : Aucune (MP3)
Code(s) CLIL : 3405, 3644, 3298
EAN13 Livre audio [MP3] : 9782315021406
EAN13 (papier) : 9782315013067