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Has the US strategy in Ukraine reached an impasse? What is the Russian conduct of military operations? When will the Ukrainian counter-offensive take place? Does Western weaponry really make a difference in Ukraine? Who are the winners of this war? What changes in the world are we witnessing since February 24, 2022? What is the reality of the losses on the Ukrainian and Russian sides? Can Western industry compete with Russian industry in Ukraine? Why is a negotiated solution not being sought? How is our perception of the conflit serving Ukraine?To answer these questions and many others, Jacques Baud relies on information from Western intelligence services and American documents that were leaked in April 2023. After the best-sellers Putin, Game Master? and Operation Z, both works praised world-wide, Baud returns to the war in Ukraine by analyzing the facts and nothing but the facts. Whether one is for or against the position of Ukraine, one must nevertheless deal with the field of operations and to analyze what is happening there. This is the only way to find a path to peace—because peace will not come by relying on illusions.


  • Jacques Baud (auteur)

    Jacques Baud est Colonel chef d’état-major, ex-agent des services secrets suisses et expert en armes chimiques et nucléaires. Il a été, entre autres, chef de la doctrine des opérations de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies à New York. Il est l’auteur de plusieurs livres sur le renseignement, la guerre et le terrorisme, dont les “best-sellers” Gouverner par les fake news, Poutine, le maître du jeu ?, Opération Z, Ukraine entre guerre et paix et L’art de la guerre russe, édités aux éditions Max Milo.

Auteur(s) : Jacques Baud


Editeur : Max Milo Editions

Auteur(s) : Jacques Baud

Publication : 13 septembre 2024

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre audio [MP3]

Contenu(s) : MP3

Protection(s) : Aucune (MP3)

Taille(s) : 658 Mo (MP3)

Langue(s) : Anglais

Code(s) CLIL : 3378, 3394, 3298

EAN13 Livre audio [MP3] : 9782315019274

EAN13 (papier) : 9782315010820

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