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After a horrific battle in a mythical Asian land, a peasant soldier with a mysterious past encounters a young woman who has come to find the body of her dead fiancé. She is determined to travel to Takedo Castle and get her hands on the Mask of a Thousand Tears, a golden mask which will allow her to travel to the underworld and bring her fiancé back to the land of the living. The peasant, Masamura, accompanies Sadakyo on her quest. She discourages him but soon learns that she has no chance of surviving without his help. They are both determined, for different reasons, to see this mission through to the end, no matter what the cost. A story in two volumes.


  • Chauvel David (auteur)

    Born in Rennes on December 18, 1969, David Chauvel was unemployed when he discovered Alan Moore and David Lloyd's "V for Vendetta". A vocation was born: he would be a comic book scriptwriter or nothing at all! Helped by Lucien Rollin, he started writing on his own before joining the Atchoum studio (which had Fagès, Le Saëc, Bertho, Lereculey, Duval and Kerfriden in its ranks). He signed his first album, "Black Mary" (Glénat, 1993), at the age of 20 with Erwan Fagès, then he signed "Rails" (Delcourt, 1997) with Fred Simon. Numerous series followed such as "Les Enragés" (Delcourt) with Erwan Le Saëc, "Nuit noire" (Delcourt) and "Arthur" (Delcourt) with Jérôme Lereculey or "Octave" (Delcourt) with Alfred. In 2005, he became a publisher for Delcourt, launched the "7" series and published works such as "L'Homme Gribouillé" or "Come Prima", which won the Prize for Best Album at Angoulême in 2014. Since then, he has also written the series "Wollodrïn" (Delcourt) with Jérôme Lereculey, and more recently "La Route de Tibilissi" (Delcourt, 2018) with Alex Kosakowski.He also developed the WW2.2 concept series (Dargaud, 2012-2013), an alternative history around the Second World War. In 2019, volume 1 of the series "Le Masque aux mille larmes" (Dargaud; "The Mask of a Thousand Tears" Europe Comics, 2020) with Roberto Ali was released.
  • Ali Roberto (Illustré par)

    Roberto Ali, est né à Milan en 1986, ville dans laquelle il habite toujours.Très jeune, il suit des cours dans une école dédiée à l'apprentissage de la bande dessinée à Milan où il enseigne désormais.Durant ses études, il réalise des illustrations et des story-boards pour des agences de publicité et travaille pour des éditeurs espagnols et italiens.Il dessine également la série "Hero of Alexandria" (Ape Entertainment, 2013), puis collabore avec Dreamworks pour des livres d'illustrations.Depuis quelques années, il est édité en France avec des albums comme "Les Sept Merveilles : Jardins de Babylone" (Delcourt, 2014) et "Les Sept Nains" (Delcourt, 2015).En 2019 sort le premier tome du "Masque aux mille larmes" (Dargaud), sur un scénario de David Chauvel. La suite et fin de ce diptyque sort en 2021.

Auteur(s) : Chauvel David


Editeur : Europe Comics

Auteur(s) : Chauvel David

Publication : 22 avril 2020

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : ePub

Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)

Taille(s) : 57,4 Mo (ePub)

Langue(s) : Anglais

Code(s) CLIL : 3781

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9791032810378

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