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Life is good again for Lenny June, legal attaché to the Terran delegation on the developing planet of Mayam. After all, he's bested his scheming former boss the ambassador, ditched an intergalactic cartel's deadly hit woman out in the forbidden wastelands, and gotten away with the priceless relic they were all after: the ancient head of a dead god. But then... who is trying to kill him? Why did the diplomatic core decide not to promote him, and instead, send out a new ambassador... with Lenny's fiancée? And could it be that head isn't actually as dead as he thought?


  • Stephen Desberg (auteur)

    Stephen Desberg débute comme scénariste chez Dupuis pour Tif et Tondu et 421. Avec Johan De Moor, il crée Gaspard de la nuit en 1987, chez Casterman. Puis la fameuse « Vache », dont le premier album, La Vache, Pi = 3,1416, paraît en 1992. Le deuxième volume À mort l’homme, vive l’ozone ! sort en 1994, et reçoit le Grand Prix de la ville de Sierre, puis l’Alph’Art de l’humour au festival d’Angoulême. Desberg et De Moor poursuivent leurs aventures animalières jusqu’en 1998. Stephen Desberg est aujourd’hui le scénariste de nombreuses séries à succès, parmi lesquelles I.R.$., avec Bernard Vrancken (Le Lombard), ou encore Le Scorpion, avec Enrico Marini (Dargaud). En 2019, il décide de se lancer dans un nouveau projet avec Johan De Moor, très librement inspiré de la vie du groupe Led Zeppelin, Les Sauvages Animaux, prévu chez Casterman en 2022.
  • Koller Daniel (Illustré par)

    Born in 1963 in Geneva, Daniel Koller has never pursued a university degree or any particular formal training. He is completely self-taught in terms of drawing. Passionate about comics since childhood, he started working part-time retail jobs at the end of his high school studies, so as to earn a living while developing his drawing technique. At 20, he published for the first time in the magazine "(À suivre)," under the name Bader K. He would go on to publish with the magazine several times over the coming years, using his real name. Two of his short stories, published shortly before the disappearance of the magazine, introduced the character Luc Lafontaine, who would later become the hero of Koller's one-shot, "Les tribulations de Luc Lafontaine" (Casterman, 2000).At that point, his career really began to take off: he started working on the "Mayam" series (Dargaud, Europe Comics in English) alongside scriptwriter Stephen Desberg, and he also contributed to the series "Empire USA," once more together with Desberg. More recently, Koller collaborated with Desberg on a new series for Lombard: "I.R.$. All Watcher," inaugurated in 2010.

Auteur(s) : Stephen Desberg


Editeur : Europe Comics

Auteur(s) : Stephen Desberg

Publication : 23 janvier 2019

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : ePub

Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)

Taille(s) : 57,9 Mo (ePub)

Langue(s) : Anglais

Code(s) CLIL : 3776

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9791032807361

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