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This opening episode begins with the Hittites' bloody Urar conquest, which is the first stage of a fierce conflict. Urar belongs to the rulers Marak, Kymris and Simmissee, three ancient rivals who have now united and formed one fearsome fighting force whose sole preoccupation is killing. Woe betide anyone who provokes their wrath!


  • Sylvain Runberg est un homme du cosmopolitisme. Né à Tournai, il a depuis vécu en France, en Angleterre et en Suède. Étudiant à Aix-en-Provence, il obtient une maîtrise d'histoire contemporaine, mais trouve tout de même le temps d'organiser des événements musicaux et de faire quelques voyages, évidemment ! À l'heure des choix, il décide de s'orienter vers la bande dessinée, et devient libraire avant de travailler dans l'édition. À l'âge de 32 ans, il se met au scénario. Treize années plus tard, il aura publié plus de 70 albums, traduits dans plus de 15 langues et dépassant au total le million d'exemplaires vendus. Son approche pluriculturelle transparaît dans son nouveau métier : Runberg est en effet capable de passer de la science-fiction ("Kookaburra Universe", "Orbital", "Warship Jolly Roger") aux chroniques autobiographiques ("London Calling", "Les Colocataires", "Cases Blanches") en passant par le polar politique ("Infiltrés"), le thriller psychologique ("Face Cachée", "Trahie"), la fantasy ("Konungar", "L'Ombre des Shinobis", "Hammerfall"), l'adaptation du best-seller de Stieg Larsson, "Millenium", ou encore l'écriture du séquel inédit des trois premiers romans, « Millenium Saga ». Un éventail déjà très large auquel il a ajouté depuis les enquêtes des "Carnets de Darwin", ainsi que "Drônes", "Reconquêtes" et bientôt "Le Règne" (avec Olivier Boiscommun), aux Éditions du Lombard.
  • As François Miville-Deschênes knows better than anyone, you sometimes have to leave in order to get your bearings on the world! This artist was born in Bonaventure, a small coastal town in Quebec province, and spent his youth trying to escape it through his drawing. Ever since his very first comic book, completed at 5 years old, he's been churning out sketches and comic strips - whether or not there's a story to go with them! In 1987, on his teachers' advice, he dropped his studies and started to travel. Going from Europe to Africa, he perfected his style, gathered experiences and visited the big cities. But then in 2002, he started to get a little homesick. He returned to his native Gaspésie, where he began drawing everything he saw, from animal sketches to scientific illustration. Still pursuing the dreams of his youth, he sent off his portfolio to various European publishers. He came to the attention of Humanoïdes Associés, who offered him the script of "Millénaire," which he illustrated for a number of years with his characteristic verve. Since then, he's also taken up the series "Reconquetes" with Le Lombard ("Conquests" 2016, Europe Comics), in collaboration with Sylvain Runberg.

Auteur(s) : Sylvain Runberg


Editeur : Europe Comics

Auteur(s) : Sylvain Runberg

Publication : 22 juin 2016

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : ePub

Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)

Taille(s) : 84,5 Mo (ePub)

Langue(s) : Anglais

Code(s) CLIL : 3781, 3777

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9791032801604

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