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Séparé de leurs amis par la terrible Agoji, Zayn et Azrohk se retrouvent piégés dans le palais des ténèbres. Tandis qu’ils cherchent un moyen de s’échapper, Awa, Kemi, Zora et les autres doivent se mesurer à Ghoula et ses terribles bracognards : l’oasis de Melwiya est le théâtre d’un affrontement sans précédent, d’autant plus que les arkanistes découvrent qu’il y a un traître parmis eux ! Les bracelets d’Isbanir vont-ils tomber entre les mains des ténèbres ? 


  • Sylvain dos Santos (Texte de)

    Sylvain Dos Santos is an author and producer born in Arcachon in 1979. He started his career in advertising as a copywriter, but he soon decided to dedicate his working life to his passion and become a children's TV scriptwriter. Going with the idea that if you want something done, you should just do it yourself, he founded I Can Fly, his very own production business assigned to getting his projects from page to screen. He had his first success in 2010 with Baskup, a basketball series produced with Disney XD and sold in over 40 countries. In the years that followed, he piloted at I Can Fly the season 2 of Baskup and also developed several other projects, one of which was Turboten, a comic book produced in collaboration with Jo Tsonga. It was around this time that the Golam project came into being, with publisher Le Lombard (Europe Comics in English). In 2014 Sylvain signed for a new cartoon series with TF1, Marblegen, with Monello Production. He also established the kids rugby license Ovalon, which later evolved into comic book format with Le Lombard. The year 2015 was another busy one for his projects as not only were Golam and Ovalon released with Le Lombard, but Sylvain took on the scripting for a manga project with Kana, as well as developing a new cartoon project with Disney. With the comic book series Monster Delights (Le Lombard; Europe Comics in English) he proposes with his co-author (Mariam Hachmi, who is also her partner) a mix of many wonderful things: pastry, family, and magic!
  • Mariam Hachmi (Texte de)

    Mariam was born in 1985 in the suburbs of Paris, at a time when there were still no smartphones or internet, but a lot of books in the public library and a lot of cartoons on television. So, while the other kids were playing in the park, she read frenetically and watched a lot of TV. First result: she was as near-sighted as a mole at seven years old. Second result: Mariam is now a cartoon scriptwriter and, more recently, a comic book writer! In 2009, she started her career in cartoons at Gaumont Animation, before founding in 2015 La Chouette Compagnie, an animation studio based in Montreuil and Angoulême, where she now works as a writer, producer, and director. In 2019, she won the Laurier Jeunesse award for the series Le Monde selon Kev, which she co-directs as well as directing the writing. The series was also adapted as a comic book in 2019 by Le Lombard (The World According to Kev, Europe Comics). With Monster Delights (Le Lombard; Europe Comics in English) she proposes with her co-author (Sylvain Dos Santos, who is also her partner) a mix of all her favorite things in the world: pastry, family, and magic!


Editeur : Nobi Nobi

Publication : 21 mai 2025

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : ePub

Protection(s) : DRM (ePub)

Taille(s) : 0 octets (ePub)

Langue(s) : Français

Code(s) CLIL : 3795

EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [ePub] : 9782384962662

EAN13 (papier) : 9782384960729

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