The Revenue Statistics in Asian Countries publication is jointly undertaken by the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration and the OECD Development Centre. It compiles comparable tax revenue statistics for Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore. The model is the OECD Revenue Statistics database which is a fundamental reference, backed by a well-established methodology, for OECD member countries. Extending the OECD methodology to Asian countries enables comparisons about tax levels and tax structures on a consistent basis, both among Asian economies and between OECD and Asian economies.
Editeur : OECD
Publication : 20 juillet 2017
Intérieur : Noir & blanc
Support(s) : Livre numérique eBook [Mobi/Kindle + WEB + ePub]
Contenu(s) : Mobi/Kindle, WEB, ePub
Protection(s) : Marquage social (Mobi/Kindle), DRM (WEB), Marquage social (ePub)
Taille(s) : 10,9 Mo (Mobi/Kindle), 1 octet (WEB), 4,47 Mo (ePub)
Langue(s) : Anglais
Code(s) CLIL : 3177
EAN13 Livre numérique eBook [Mobi/Kindle + WEB + ePub] : 9789264279025
EAN13 (papier) : 9789264278936
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